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The SCOR Digital Standard (SCOR DS)

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What is SCOR?

The ASCM Supply Chain Council (SCC) maintains the supply chain management community’s most widely accepted framework for evaluating and comparing supply chain activities and performance. This model is unique in, that it links business processes, performance metrics, practices, and people skills into a unified structure. It is hierarchical in nature, interactive and interlinked. 

The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model is at the core of everything we do. It is the only comprehensive, universally accepted and open-access supply chain standard used by companies large and small. SCOR gives organizations the ability to assess and improve their company’s supply chain, leading directly to improved business performance.

Use SCOR to analyze, measure and improve your supply chain

By combining elements of business process engineering, leading practices, benchmarking, people skills and a variety of metrics into a succinct framework, SCOR makes it possible to pinpoint core process areas that need optimization.

The value of SCOR

When our clients use SCOR as an end-to-end process blueprint, they not only achieve a remarkable ROI, but other key indices improve as well. Typical results include:

  • 2 to 6 times ROI in the first year
  • Operating income improvement to 3% of sales
  • Better return on assets for fixed-asset technology investments
  • 30% faster digital transformation project implementations
  • Reduction in information technology operating expenses

SCOR is not a static set of standards. SCOR DS, our newest iteration, is open-access and fully digital. It is even more comprehensive than previous versions with the inclusion of sustainability standards and supply-chain orchestration enablers. SCOR DS shifts thinking from a linear supply chain model to a more synchronous network.

Orchestrate describes the activities associated with the integration and enablement of supply chain strategies. This includes business rules and enterprise business planning; human resources; network design and technology; data analytics; contracts and agreements; regulations and compliance; risk mitigation; environment, social, and governance initiatives; circular supply chain activities; performance management; and more.

Plan describes the activities associated with developing road maps to operate the supply chain. Planning is executed for the Order, Source, Transform, Fulfill and Return processes, including determining requirements; gathering information about available resources; balancing requirements and resources to determine planned capabilities and gaps in demand or resources; and identifying actions to correct these gaps.

Order describes the activities associated with the customer purchase of products and services, including attributes such as locations, payment methods, pricing, fulfillment status and any other order data.

Source describes the activities associated with procuring, ordering, scheduling the ordering, delivery, receipt, and transfer of products and services.

Transform describes the activities associated with the scheduling and creation of products, including production; assembly and disassembly; maintenance, repair and overhaul; and more.

Fulfill describes the activities associated with executing customer orders or services, including scheduling order delivery, picking, packing, shipping, installing, commissioning and invoicing.

Return describes the activities associated with the reverse flow of goods and services, as well as any service components from a customer through the network in order to diagnose condition, evaluate entitlement, disposition back into Transform or other circular activities.

Interested in having your team learn more about how to maximize supply chain performance through SCOR?

Your team will learn:

  • The purpose and structure of the Supply Chain Operations Reference Digital Standard (SCOR DS) framework.
  • The importance of SCOR performance metrics.
  • How to identify and organize the seven processes of the SCOR model.
  • How SCOR practices can advance organizations and their supply chains.
  • How to navigate the five stages of a SCOR-DS improvement program.

Are you interested in a dedicated training, please contact us for more information and pricing.